IDEA’s one-task devices are the essence of our modular technology performing several tasks such as
stirring/mixing, sensor integration, gas/liquid handling, pumping, light control for photo-bioreactors, temperature control. Some devices can be “stand-alone” whereas others need to be integrated into an equipment (at least one Industrial Grade PC, IGPC). Just click on the device and see what task can perform.
NIR biomass pump is a metering device that create a measuring loop for the determination of the biomass concentration. The Control Unit commands the pump at fixed interval: (1) the pump starts pumping from the vessel to the measuring chamber (and then to the vessel) for approx. 1 or 2 min to have a good measurement of the biomass, (2) soon after the measure, water is pumped through the measuring chamber to clean the pathway and with the use of a 3-way pinch valve the pump discharge the cleaning water to the drain. Optionally, a cleaning agent can also be used to clean the chamber; in this case a final step with water is required to do not contaminate the following sample.
The pipes and the glass measuring channel are autoclave-resistant.
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The device can be used for multiple reactors in order to have a cost-effective solution. In this case one 2-way pinch valve for each vessel needs to be used.
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